Senin, Januari 10, 2011


Since next week I’ll have a psycho test on BPK (Supreme Audit Agency) >> I’ve passed the second test of BPK government employee enrollment, Alhamdulillah ya Rabb  << , I’m learning about psycho test and trying to do the test. As far as I remember, I never take a psycho test before, but once I’ve had an IQ  test when I was in High School. I had a blank idea before I learned about the test. And you know, the test is getting me frustrated, since I can’t answer even one single question without looking to the key answer. One thing that makes me more frustrated is that the test is dominated by drawing. And you know? I hate myself for a fact that I can’t draw and I don’t have drawing talent even a little. So I’ve decided to concentrate myself on practicing my drawing to face the psycho test.  On psycho test usually a tester will command the participant to do Draw a man test, Baum test ( drawing a tree), and Wartegg test.  Drawing a man and a tree is not an easy thing for me. I practice my self by watching drawing tutorial from You Tube.  This one example of drawing a man tutorial :

Wartegg test has stolen much attention for me, because it is quite unique. It’s describing people’s mental health and psychological condition and for a simple observation you can notice how creative and imaginative they are through their drawing on Wartegg test. This is a template for wartegg test  :

And these are what my friends have done, when I asked them to do the wartegg test. I can’t stop smiling, wondering, and giggling after looking to their ‘masterpiece’ :D

forgive inappropriate drawing on the second picture, He is mentally ill :p the third picture is mine.

i love the idea of man driving a car on the first pict, Upin & Ipin on the second pict, and the singing man on the third pict :)

4 komentar:

  1. we don't analyze artistic abilites with that test; by that I mean that people don't really have to know about drawing or stuff like that... in the end, what we interpret is the drawing itself, lines, meaning, height, space it takes, etc etc but not drawing's not an admission test for plastic arts schoool...

  2. makasih infonya, sangat bermanfaat. silahkan kunjungi blog saya untuk melihat info soal psikotes yang lain

  3. great,,.. the best idea,,. inspirasion for me.

  4. Wtf?!? Cut Tari & Ariel ?!?
