Another destination place on my last holiday in Bali is Don Antonio Blanco museum. It’s located in Ubud. Despite I have been in Bali many times, that was the first time I went to Ubud, and I fell in love straightly with this village! Subhannallah! I couldn’t stop stare at the village along our trip there. You can see many sculpture, wood craving, and art boutiques along the road in Ubud. Everything is so artistic and the atmosphere is so peaceful. Before we went to Ubud we had lunch for a while at a restaurant, GOD I forgot the name, but it is Bali traditional rice, and the taste so hot and delicious!!
delicious traditional rice at Ubud.. super HOT! many foreigners come to eat this rice. |
Finally we arrived at Antonio Blanco Museum. I was amazed to see the museum, it is like a forest house with many trees and birds. We have to pay IDR 30,000 for the entrance ticket.
Before we entered the gallery, we stopped for a while to take a picture with some beautiful birds, one of them is a Peacock and the other is a Hornbill. They are super cute and tame. I take some picture with them and I fell in love with them, I want to take them home with me. hehehe
me with the peacock and .. who is your name the cute greeny birdy?? |
the big hornbill! |
Ghani and Me with our babies :) look, i'm the black he is the white! represent our skin right?? >.< |
the lil greeny birdy! |
And we entered the gallery. We can not take a picture there to avoid a piracy. You know? I’m not really into artistic painting, but there, when I saw all Mr. Blanco’s painting I was trembling. It’s very beautiful! Though he has been painted almost the naked body of women ( most of them are her wife body , Ni Ronji), but I don’t see any porn side there, it’s all beautiful and magic. Oh ya, it’s weird when I saw the replica of Mr. Blanco’s painting, I didn’t feel the same impression as I saw the original one. You should go there to feel the magic.
the gate |
painting room.. |
hahaha he imitated mario blanco ( son of antonio blnaco) face |
the gate of gallery |
the painting with teapot frame :) |
you can see the website of Antonio Blanco Museum here
as salam,hi there!
BalasHapusi've been here,blogwalking! :)
i've followed u already,do visit me and follow back :)
hiks sering ke bali tapi gak pernah ke museum antonio blanco, jadi penasaran! hehe
BalasHapussalam kenal ^^
Hijab Kawaii
Dove : wa'alaikumsalam sist, yes i've been following you dear :)
BalasHapusMaya : Salam kenal Maya :) iyaaahh km tinggal di Lombok yah? subhanallah aku pengen bgt kesana tp belum kesampean.. klo ksana jd guide aku yah hehehe..
senangnya berlibur hehehe jadi iriiiii...^^
BalasHapusaishi : iyaaa klo km berlibur jangan lupa bagi2 cerita sama kita yah :)